PROBLEM : As a new brand in the market  the task was to help the brand’s voice rise above the clutter along the competitors. The tyranny of choice reigns, so we had to convince the target audience why our brand offers them something truly unique. The content in this category is heavy and saturated, so we chose Visual storytelling to empower and build user experiences from the ground up, allowing  to influence how consumers understand our brand and product from start to finish.
TASK : The work for Rajshree Biosolutions included creating the look & feel for the brand, web design, photography, packaging design, retail and marketing collaterals.
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Shown below are few page layout designs of the website
The secondary navigation in the product section is an important part of this site as its keeping the primary menu from appearing crowded and this is critical. All brand-centric pages were designed to showcase a look and feel specific to their guidelines, photography and primary colour palettes. 

Product leaflet

Retained the Visual architecture of the Aquaculture packs similar to the Agriculture packs to help people in the tier 3 areas to resonate easily with the Brand Rajshree.